TedX Talk “Metaverse-Crucial Challenges To Address”

Advocate, Delhi High Court
Advisor Academic Outreach, Cyberlaw University
Recently Saakshar Duggal, Advocate, Delhi High Court and Advisor Academic Outreach of Cyberlaw University has delivered a fascinating TedX Talk “Metaverse-Crucial Challenges To Address”.
In this highly informative and effective talk which has been delivered in a layman’s language, Saakshar has highlighted some of the important key challenges, issues and scenarios that have emerged in the context of Metaverse.
Saakshar Duggal has highlighted various important and legal policy issues concerning Metaverse in his attractive TedX Talk. He also pointed out various vistas in which Metaverse law jurisprudence has to evolve in the coming times.
#Metaverse is the next domain of activity and the challenges and issues on Metaverse crimes, Metaverse security and Metaverse data protection are important issues which must be appropriately addressed by all stakeholders in order to enable Metaverse to grow to its optimal potential.
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