Advocate, Supreme Court of India
Chief Evangelist, Metaverse Law Nucleus
Conference Director, International Conference On Metaverse And Law –Opportunities & Challenges

Akhilesh Tuteja
Global Head – Cyber Security Consulting (KPMG)

Vijay Sethi
MentorKart Chairman (Advisory Board)

Hemanth Satyanarayana
Founder & CEO – Imaginate

Ranjit Kumar
COO, Fantico Pte. Ltd.

Prof. Dr. Christoph Stueckelberger
Founder and President, Globethics.Net

Dr. Jane Thomason
Interim Chair of the World Metaverse Council

Alan Brill
Senior Managing Director, Cyber Risk Practice, Kroll
Fellow of the Kroll Institute and Adjunct Professor
Texas A&M University School of Law

Prof. Sarah Jane Fox
Law, Policy and Risk at University of Leicester

TS Darbari
Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer,
Texmaco Defence Systems Private Limited (TDSPL)

Bryony Long
Partner Lewis Silkin LLP

Fiona Leppan
(Senior Director) Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc

Kgodisho Phashe
(Associate) Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc

Arijit Bhattacharyya
Founder & CEO, Virtual Infocom

Prof. (Dr.) Usha Batra
Professor & Dean, FCA
Manav Rachna University

Pushpak Kypuram
CEO, NextMeet

Arjun Sodhi
Principal & Chief Metaverse Officer India Sotheby’s International Reality

Advocate, Delhi High Court & Advisor, Academic Outreach, Cyberlaw University